Top 3  Photo Editing Apps for Android

photography apps

In today’s world, mainly the social  networking sites enhanced the mania of photography amongst people  and here, smartphone has become an obvious tool to assist people’s need with good image quality often along with some awesome photo-editing apps.
Today we are going to discuss about top 3 free android photo editing apps:

Picsart-Download App

Picsart has become ‘Editors Choice’ on Google Play Store after its release. Undoubtedly, one of the most popular  photo editing app and most downloaded app it is. At its welcoming screen, picsart lets the user to selct the option whether he/she would like take a picture from the device or choose from gallary or social media for editing purpose. Curves, masks, clone/stamp,cropping, brushes borders, text insertion, red eye removal are some of the many tools offered by it. Again Picsart offer collages also. The uniquemost thing is,picsart provide a funny tool, you can make a video of what you have drawn.
Pros: Picsart’s filters are more powerful & adjustable than any other existing apps.
Cons: Picsart’s free version allows in app purchases; ads at bottom are really annoying sometimes.

Snapseed:Download App

Snapseed is one of the best choices for people who love to do something experimental .It lets selective adust feature. That is, you can easyly pickup any arbitrary point in the image & ca n change the brightness,contrast & saturation, which comes out as a great tool. Besides it has options like crop,vintage,drama,center focus,tilt shift and many more. By simply swiping in different directions contrast,brightness, saturation, ambience etc. can be changed to desired value makes Snapseed’s appearance simpler.
Pros:Simple enough handling, ad-free interface, selective adjust capability.
Cons: Some people might get disheartened as Snapseed don’t offer stickers or texts to be added to the photos. Secondly, it is a bit odd to find color filter options only under the ‘black and white’ tool.

Photo Editor by Aviary-Download App


This amazing app has also made the cut into top 3. It covers all the basic  editing options like crop,filters, saturation,warmth, tint adjustment etc. Photo editor by Aviary is also  a great tool for selfie lovers. It offers some fantastic selfie frames 7 templates. It is featured with 12 photo effects, auto enhance at one tap etc. editing options which makes it a powerful must have app.
Pros:Fantastic user friendly appearance.
Cons: Not any selective adjustment tool.This app don’t let users take photo instantly & edit within the app, i.e. users can only modify images that are stored.